What neighborhood was the most expensive to buy a condo in downtown San Diego in 2023?
The most expensive neighborhood to buy a condo in downtown San Diego in 2023 was the Columbia District with the average selling price for a condo being $1,401,887 or $948 per square foot.
The chart below summarizes all 2023 downtown San Diego condo sales by neighborhood and offers details like average selling price and average price per square foot for each downtown district.
To view in depth details for all downtown San Diego sold condos throughout 2023 please refer to our 2023 Downtown San Diego Real Estate Market Report.
2023 AVERAGE condo PRices
by Neighborhood In Downtown San Diego
Neighborhood | # of Sales in Neighborhood | Average Price per Square Foot | Average Asking Price | Average Sold Price |
Columbia | 82 | $948 | $1,442,489 | $1,401,887 |
Cortez Hill | 51 | $682 | $669,098 | $669,175 |
East Village | 148 | $714 | $690,961 | $684,496 |
Gaslamp | 30 | $785 | $509,061 | $501,287 |
Little Italy | 95 | $854 | $895,965 | $880,518 |
Marina | 118 | $773 | $1,021,510 | $997,034 |
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Ranked as a top team in San Diego County what sets us apart is our relentless work ethic and passion for the work we do.