Below is a summary of all Rancho Santa Fe Homes that sold in the calendar year 2011. The data has been carefully sorted by neighborhood and was obtained from the San Diego MLS records but might not include new construction home sales or other transactions (like for sale by owner) not posted or registered in the MLS.
To see a detailed list of all transaction please see Rancho Santa Fe 2011 Closed Real Estate Transactions. If you wish to receive a custom Real Estate activity report please contact us and we’ll be happy to assist with any special request.
Search Rancho Santa Fe Homes for Sale
Neighborhood | Average Selling Price per Sq Ft | Average Selling Price | Number of Sales in Neighborhood |
Cielo | $294 | $1,578,962 | 13 |
Covenant | $460 | $2,355,532 | 81 |
Del Mar Country Club | $406 | $2,478,000 | 5 |
Del Rayo Downs | $327 | $1,105,000 | 4 |
Fairbanks Ranch | $375 | $2,376,845 | 29 |
Farms Estates | $339 | $2,128,750 | 1 |
Hacienda Santa Fe | $396 | $1,329,820 | 5 |
Montecito | $350 | $897,500 | 2 |
Non-Covenant | $630 | $2,710,000 | 1 |
Rancho Del Lago | $542 | $3,250,000 | 1 |
Rancho Diegueno Estates | $469 | $1,430,000 | 1 |
Rancho La Cima | $381 | $2,625,000 | 1 |
Rancho Santa Fe Acres | $384 | $2,962,500 | 2 |
Rancho Santa Fe Farms | $375 | $2,391,429 | 7 |
Rancho Santa Fe Lakes | $312 | $2,300,000 | 1 |
Rancho Santa Fe Meadows | $566 | $2,250,000 | 1 |
Rancho Valencia | $418 | $2,262,500 | 2 |
Roxbury Estates | $667 | $7,150,000 | 3 |
Santa Fe Sur | $379 | $2,274,000 | 3 |
South Pointe Farms | $405 | $2,048,856 | 4 |
Spyglass Estates | $372 | $4,775,000 | 2 |
Stonebridge | $433 | $2,450,000 | 1 |
The Bridges | $505 | $2,444,750 | 10 |
The Groves | $375 | $1,908,750 | 2 |
The River Estates | $370 | $3,875,000 | 2 |
The Summit | $258 | $2,400,000 | 1 |
Whispering Palms | $315 | $752,417 | 26 |
Averages | $409 | $2,160,361 | 211 |
*Source: San Diego MLS – Data deemed reliable but not guaranteed.